What is ear wax?
The ear canal has two zones, outer ear canal lined by skin having hair and sweat glands and inner ear canal containing only skin covering bone next to eardrum. Earwax, medically known as cerumen, is a mixture of sweat, secretions from the sebaceous gland and dead cells. Therefore, the amount of secretions you have in your ear wax can be of two major types, wet ear wax and dry ear wax.
Why do some people have more ear wax problems/ build-up?
The first thing to know is everyone makes wax, and some naturally more and some less. Secondly, the shape of the ear canal can predispose you to have more earwax problems. You may have a hairy ear canal or narrow ear canal, which can trap more than the usual amount of ear wax you produce. Thirdly, if produce ear wax which gets stuck to the ear canal, it becomes difficult to fall out. Some people may push ear wax in if they are using insert headphones, i.e. earpods, earplugs for noise reduction or swimming/hearing aids.
What are the symptoms of ear wax?
Ear wax can present issues such as hearing loss, tinnitus (buzzing in the ear), itchy ear, earache, ear infection or chronic cough. If you have these symptoms visiting your GP, pharmacist, nurse or ENT surgeon will be useful.
How does ear wax affect hearing loss and dementia patients?
Ear wax can block the sound signal reaching the eardrum. This cause hearing loss and in some cases, tinnitus. Therefore clearing ear wax can help with hearing and tinnitus in some cases.
What is the best home treatment for ear wax?
In most cases, the ear wax should fall out on its own when softened using ear drops. You can get olive oil ear drops, or sodium bicarbonate ear drops or syringing home kits. In most cases, it is ideal to use these if you don't have a perforated eardrum, previous ear infections or grommet (ventilation tubes) in your eardrum. If you have a very hairy outer ear canal, using a hair trimmer can help.
How is ear wax removed?
Ear wax can be removed by syringing or ear micro-suction. Ear syringing should be avoided in immunocompromised patients, i.e. diabetes, elderly, patients with a thin or perforated eardrum.
Ear micro-suction is the safest and best way to remove ear wax. Using earbud can push ear wax deeper.
Is ear wax candle safe for wax removal?
There is no evidence to suggest that wax candle are a safe and effective way of clearing ear wax. It can, in fact, cause complications like burn injuries, perforated eardrum, damage to hearing.
How to prepare for ear micro-suction appointment?
Dewaxing of the ear with micro-suction is done by ENT surgeon or trained specialist nurses or pharmacists. It would be best if you used wax softener ear drops for up to four to five days before your appointment.
What are the complications of ear micro-suction?
Complications of ear micro-suction are very very rare in experienced hands: ear pain, dizziness due to air current within the ear canal, and ear infection. Ear micro suction in some patients with sensitive ears may stimulate a fainting episode. Do discuss with your clinician the cost and exact procedure before you go ahead with the micro-suction procedure.
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Mr Gaurav Kumar
Consultant Ear Nose Throat Surgeon
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Disclaimer: For general information only, always seek medical advice from your treating consultant.